The money men

Meet the Team

The Money Men

The Money Men began when two mates left their traditional financial advice firm to create a movement to financially educate everyday New Zealanders.

The finance industry can be very transactional. People don’t like to be sold to. We know this. We also know there is a massive lack of financial education in New Zealand.

We thought, why not create a business designed to give away good, free information and make it as easy as possible? That way people can make their own informed decisions when it comes to their money.

This lead to our radio segment on The Rock FM with Jay & Dunc – Giving financial education to the nation.

We are now a non-traditional finance “firm” that actually cares. We have a solid team of genuine people that give genuine advice. No hard to understand jargon here.

The Money Men team are here to help Kiwi’s be better with money and improve the financial literacy of all New Zealanders.

Meet Josh

Founder & Financial Adviser

Josh’s passion for finance and money was born from the desire to build a lifestyle where he was financially free and in control of his own time. Who doesn’t want that? Having already completed a Bachelor of Business, Josh trained up as a Financial Advisor. His journey led him to be partner of a large finance firm which he grew from 5 people to a team of 45.  It didn’t take long to realise that he didn’t quite align with the “sales driven” approach of the finance industry. And he decided to take the plunge and venture out to establish a more values driven business. Josh has a good understanding and experience in mortgages, property investment, investing in the share market and money management. Knowing that he can help people create long lasting wealth, so they can live a more comfortable lifestyle, is what gets him up in the morning.

Phone: 022 313 4421

Meet Kalé

Founder & Financial Adviser

Kalé’s professional life has produced a comprehensive view on business. His experience ranges from running and growing an existing New Zealand charity, to developing and selling his own ventures. It was his involvement with one of New Zealand’s largest adviser firms that solidified his desire to create something that is driven by good values. Kalé’s ambition is to help improve the financial literacy of the everyday Kiwi. He wants to deliver an experience that makes people eager to learn and progress their own understanding about finance. He believes the key to achieving his goal is good, unbiased information. When he’s taking a break, Kalé can be found eating sashimi, sub standardly swinging a golf club, or winding up his partner, Sophie.

Phone:  021 582 632

Clark Froude 

KiwiSaver & Investment Adviser

Clark has always had a drive when it comes to finance – starting his own investment portfolio at the age of 15. He went on to study a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Finance and Management at Victoria University, where he gained valuable knowledge but also many of the core values that The Money Men was founded upon.

Clarks’ aspiration is to get Kiwis in a better financial position through the use of investments as a tool to grow their wealth. KiwiSaver is the ideal starting point to not only grow a person’s wealth, but for them to learn how markets work, something he believes we should have been taught at school but never were. Clark believes the best way to achieve this is to share his knowledge with clients so that they can make more informed decisions for themselves.

When he is not in the office Clark can be found out at the beach going for a surf, walking the dog or attempting to get away from technology by going camping with mates.

Paul Templeton 

Mortgage Support Specialist

Paul joined the Money Men in 2021 as a Mortgage Specialist, having worked at one of our big banks for the last 8 years.

Paul is passionate about helping people and using his experience and skills to help clients achieve their goals, whether buying a first home, renovating an existing property or building an investment portfolio.

Making the process as hassle-free as possible, Paul takes pride in helping our clients from initial application right through settlement. Paul has a way of explaining complicated things so that they are easy to understand and can put anybody at ease. There is no such thing as a silly question and Paul loves being able to explain and educate clients to ensure they feel comfortable, confident and supported when buying a home.

Loving the work/life balance and residing in Magical Mangawhai, you’ll often find Paul out and about in the community and exploring the many walks around town with his best fur-friend Oby.

Lucy Stirling

Client Relationship Manager

Originally from the UK, Lucy settled in NZ in 2015 having spent years working on Superyachts around the world. Since arriving, Lucy has worked in the Financial Services industry. Previously working for a large NZ bank, Lucy learnt a lot about financial literacy and has not only enjoyed implementing her learnings in her own life but enjoys educating and supporting others to do the same.

Lucy is a natural people person and is extremely driven by providing excellent service and outcomes for clients, as well as building meaningful and ongoing relationships. Lucy found that whilst she learnt a lot working for a big bank, it was all rather transactional and decided that working for a smaller, more customer-focused business would bring her higher job satisfaction.

Lucy works with our advisers, clients and insurers to take the client’s from the start to finish of the insurance process, supporting clients through claims and general policy servicing. Lucy ensures the processes & the compliance of the business run smoothly and efficiently with the client at the forefront of everything she does.

In her spare time you can find Lucy out on an adventure with her Husband, son and two dogs or at the Crossfit Box.

common questions

It’s a simple process:

  1. We catch up on the phone or in person and see what you would specifically like help with
  2. We have a bigger discussion around what you are trying to achieve financially
  3. We understand where you are at now, review what you already have in place and then give you advice on ways you could do things better.
  4. Once you are happy, anything you want to push on with we will help you put in place
  5. Then its about monitoring, reviewing and refining to keep everything on point and you motivated towards achieving your financial goals

We can do everything online via our secure portal, do online meetings or happy to get out of the office and catch up.

We will talk to you about your financial situation and how you can improve it for as long as you like because its what we do.

Typically our initial conversation is 10 -15 minutes and then its about gathering the info for you and putting together a recommendation.

Next session is 30 -60 minutes where we run you through your options (zoom or in person).

Next we catch up and get the applications out the way, we actually try avoid paper work where we can and use faster and easier online applications (like our client portal which works for insurance, mortgage and kiwisaver so you don’t have to repeat yourself (zoom or in person).

The next catch up is typically just to confirm the outcome of your applications and that everything is in place which could be anything from an email to a 30 minute conversation depending on what it is.

We are here to help you when you need it so our team is always only a phone or email away.

Typically we like to have an annual catch up to make sure things are on track and you are happy.  Life is busy though and for those people that want minimum contact the least you will get from us is an email that takes 2 minutes where you tick through options which includes if you want contact or not and lets us know if you have had any significate lifestyle changes (so 2 minutes a year if that’s what you want).

Typically we speak to our clients a couple of times a year due to the numbers of things we are managing for them.

Absolutely. We are governed by the privacy act and absolutely respect the fact that we are dealing with our clients very private and confidential info around health and money.

You can jump straight into an online application portal (click log in at the top of the page) and tell us how we can help.

Call 0800 888 482 or flick us an email at and one of our team of advisers will be in touch.

Typically for the majority of the advice we give you will be free and disclosed upfront with your adviser before anything is done.

We are actually governed by the Financial Markets Authority and any fees will be disclosed upfront. For most of our services they are free as we are paid by banks, insurance companies and kiwisaver providers which gives us the ability to be independent.

We may charge a fee for additional services like advanced help with Money Management but again this will be discussed upfront with you prior to any advice commencing.

We are passionate about helping kiwis be better with money which is why its our core purpose.

Not everyone is the same and has the same ambitions so we help people create the wealth they are looking for.

We are passionate about all things financial and practice what we preach.

We are lucky we get to see soo many peoples financial situations and habits good and bad so over the years we have refined what works and what doesn’t.

We are experts in what we do We have a strategic network of trusted professionals ready to help you at every term if there is anything we can already sort for you.

We are client centric and service driven.

Most importantly you need to choose a financial adviser that you can relate to, is qualified to do what they do, practice what they preach and maybe a company with lots of happy customers and a nationwide radio show!

Typically 2-4 sessions.

We are located in Orewa, north of Auckland.

We like to get out though so often travel around the greater Auckland area.

Since Covid we moved everything online though and with the nationwide radio show we are used to dealing with people all over the country!

So if you’re not located in Auckland, we can always catch up over Zoom!